Doctor's Office Visits, Lebanon

Average charges are estimates; your out-of-pocket expense will depend on your individual insurance coverage (such as co-insurance or deductibles).

If you have questions, please contact Patient Accounts Customer Service at 1-844-808-0730.

Doctor's office visit for a new patient
(first visit or patients not seen within past 3 years)

指控 do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Low-to-moderate-level visit $209 $140 $349
Moderate-level visit $280 $206 $486
Moderate-to-high-level visit $422 $295 $717
High-level visit $496 $402 $898

Doctor's office visit for an established patient
(return visit for follow-up)

指控 do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Low-level visit $109 $20 $129
Low-to-moderate-level visit $169 $45 $214
Moderate-level visit $192 $105 $297
Moderate-to-high-level visit $292 $165 $457
High-level visit $385 $246 $631

Doctor's office visit for consultation
(examination and coordination between healthcare providers)

指控 do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Low-to-moderate-level visit $438 $190 $628
Moderate-level visit $548 $248 $796
Moderate-to-high-level visit $752 $233 $985
High-level visit $932 $439 $1,371

Emergency Department visit
(unscheduled emergency visit for patients requiring immediate medical attention)

指控 do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Low-level visit $564 $204 $768
Low-to-moderate-level visit $832 $298 $1,130
Moderate-level visit $1,415 $420 $1,835
Moderate-to-high-level visit $2,362 $655 $3,017
High-level visit $3,661 $966 $4,627

Eye exams

指控 do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
New patient comprehensive eye exam $405 $215 $620
New patient intermediate eye exam $245 $91 $336
Established patient comprehensive eye exam $252 $219 $471
Established patient intermediate eye exam $203 $126 $329
Refraction test $77 $49 $126

Rehabilitation services

指控 do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Physical therapy evaluation: moderate complexity $326 N/A $326
Re-evaluation of physical therapy established plan of care $218 N/A $218
Occupational therapy evaluation, moderate complexity $326 N/A $326
Re-evaluation of occupational therapy established plan of care $218 N/A $218
Physical therapy dynamic functional activities $90 N/A $90
Physical therapy manual therapy, per 15 min $164 N/A $164
Physical therapy therapeutic exercises, per 15 min $90 N/A $90
Speech therapy evaluation $546 N/A $546
Speech therapy visit $441 N/A $441

Routine annual physical for a new patient
(charge is based on age groups)

指控 do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
New patient physical: age 0 to 1 $298 $198 $496
New patient physical: age 1 to 4 $311 $207 $518
New patient physical: age 5 to 11 $311 $207 $518
New patient physical: age 12 to 17 $366 $224 $610
New patient physical: age 18 to 39 $366 $224 $610
New patient physical: age 40 to 64 $414 $276 $690
New patient physical: age 65 and over $428 $286 $714

Routine annual physical for an established patient
(charge is based on age groups)

指控 do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Established patient physical: age 0 to 1 $250 $167 $417
Established patient physical: age 1 to 4 $280 $186 $466
Established patient physical: age 5 to 11 $280 $186 $466
Established patient physical: age 12 to 17 $293 $196 $489
Established patient physical: age 18 to 39 $293 $196 $489
Established patient physical: age 40 to 64 $341 $227 $568
Established patient physical: age 65 and over $359 $239 $598